4 Tips for Your Transition to Medicare in North Carolina

Wednesday, May 19th, 2021

As Medicare agents, we understand that transitioning to Medicare can be overwhelming. Here are a few quick tips to help simplify this process:

Tip #1Don’t Wait

Did you know you can apply for Medicare 3 months before your birth month? This is called your Initial Enrollment Period. As you approach Medicare eligibility, we recommend applying when your Enrollment Period starts so you are not left having to make last minute decisions. This also helps avoid any gaps in coverage and helps facilitate a seamless transition off of your current plan. Those that are already receiving Social Security benefits will be automatically enrolled in Medicare and will receive your Medicare card in the mail several months before turning 65.

Tip #2- Know your Options

When you are Medicare eligible, you can choose between several types of Medicare plans. The two most popular options in North Carolina are Medicare Supplement and Medicare Advantage plans.

Medicare Supplement plans are designed to fill in the holes or gaps in coverage that exist within original Medicare (parts A and B). Out-of-pocket costs with Part A and Part B can pile up, especially if you have a chronic health condition or a medical emergency. Medicare Supplement plans help cover those out-of-pocket Medicare costs and minimize what you pay on medical expenses. These plans do not include drug coverage, so you will need a separate Drug plan (part D) to go along with your supplement.

Medicare Advantage plans (also known as Part C) are an “all in one” alternative to Original Medicare. These plans are offered by insurance companies like Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina. If you join a Medicare Advantage Plan, you still have Medicare.  These “bundled” plans include benefits for Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) and Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance), and usually include Medicare drug coverage (Part D).

Tip #3- Aim for a Smooth Transition

Once you secure your Medicare plan, it is important to avoid any gaps in your health coverage. Do not cancel any existing coverage until your new plan has begun. If you are enrolled through the Health Insurance Marketplace it is important to remove yourself from that plan once your new Medicare coverage starts. You will not be eligible for any Federal Subsidies through the Marketplace if you are eligible for Medicare.

Tip #4- Seek Help

We know that making decisions on Health Insurance and understanding the Medicare market can be extremely confusing. Seeking help from a licensed agent can be your biggest asset during this transitional period. At NC Health Plans, our Medicare specialists are able to break down your options and simplify these confusing topics. We are just a phone call away! Please call 888-765-5400 to speak with one of our Medicare Specialists today.

Introducing New North Carolina Medicare Agents

Wednesday, April 8th, 2020

NC Health Plans / Jerry Ballard and Associates would like to introduce its two newest Medicare Agents, Emily McLaurin and Savannah Clark. Emily and Savannah have grown with the team by recently obtaining a North Carolina Medicare License. These two agents are eager to broaden their service to include North Carolina’s Medicare beneficiaries. As one of the top NC Medicare Agencies for Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC, our team strives to help people understand the changing Medicare market and ease the process of choosing a plan that protects both their health and savings.

Countless Medicare plan options and vast amounts of information, often create a sense of confusion and overwhelm consumers that are forced to make decisions about healthcare coverage. While there are numerous Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement options available, understanding the difference in these options is key to making decisions about which plan best meets your needs. Speaking with one of our licensed Medicare agents will help you understand these differences and simplify the enrollment process. In turn, you will have peace of mind knowing you are choosing a plan that is right for you. To get started, you may CLICK HERE to generate your personalized Medicare quote.

For more information on North Carolina Health Insurance coverage, please visit our website at or call our toll free number 888-765-5400 and speak with one of our experienced and professional agents.

Why Get a Medicare Supplement? – BCBSNC Has the Answer

Saturday, April 23rd, 2016

Senior Couple on Road TripMedicare Supplements through Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina are a great way for individuals already enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B to fill the coverage gaps left by Original Medicare.  Although some people who have a Medicare plan may also have supplemental coverage provided by a former employer to help pay health care costs not covered by Medicare, many do not.  If you don’t have access to employer coverage, you may choose to select a Medicare Supplement through a private carrier such as BCBSNC.

You can enroll in a Medicare Supplement through Blue Cross Blue Shield NC and have guaranteed issue (meaning you cannot be denied coverage) during the Initial Enrollment Period.  This period begins the first day of the month in which an applicant is both age 65 or older and enrolled in Medicare Part B.  This is the very best time to enroll in a Medicare Supplement.  There are, however, other special circumstances when a Medicare eligible person loses their current coverage through no fault of their own when they may be eligible for a Medicare Supplement through BCBSNC on a guaranteed issue basis. (more…)

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